Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) is an internationally established, person-centred model based on comprehensive assessment of needs, risks and strengths for children, families and adults.
Shared Vision Philosophy
A collaborative, whole-system, person-centred way of thinking and working that gets everyone on the same page.
Universal Assessment Tools
TCOM’s comprehensive assessment tools reliably communicate needs, risks, strengths and progress, and are structured to directly support decision-making, throughout complex systems of care.
Shared Learning Strategy
TCOM England’s shared learning strategy provides solutions to accelerate meaningful use of assessment data, within and between organisations, in practice and every day.
About TCOM England
England has long needed a valid and reliable assessment method, to communicate the needs and strengths of children and individuals in or on the edge of care, and as importantly, their caregivers. Without reliable assessments, it is not possible to confidently assess outcomes.
‘the more comprehensive the baseline data is the more confident one can be that change (or lack of it) can be attributed’ (Department for Education, 2015)
This challenge has consistently been found by The Centre for Outcomes of Care (OOC) when undertaking projects with local authorities and providers across social care, education and youth justice. So, led by Dr. Mark Kerr, OOC carried out an extensive review into evidence-based assessment and outcomes management solutions that could address England’s long-standing need for a reliable, universal approach.
The review concluded that the best approach to addressing this challenge was to introduce the internationally established Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) model to England. TCOM provides the management approach, structured assessment strategy and whole-system solutions our sector needs to facilitate a more effective and integrated approach to meeting the needs of people, while monitoring and learning from their outcomes. It’s a chance to make real progress in practice, quality improvement and commissioning strategy.
The TCOM model was originally developed by Dr John Lyons in the United States, currently Professor of Public Health at the University of Kentucky and Director of the Center for Innovations in Population Health. This approach and the associated assessment tools are used across every US state and through implementations in New Zealand, Australia Singapore, Italy and Canada with continued growth.
TCOM England is an expert-led, not-for-profit initiative to introduce the TCOM assessment strategy and outcomes management approach in England.
In partnership with the founders of Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) and the Praed Foundation, OOC is leading the introduction of the TCOM approach and assessment strategy to local authorities and providers in England and delivering implementation support on a collaborative, non-profit basis.
Dr John Lyons launches the TCOM approach and communimetric theory of assessment in the United States, leading to implementations in multiple countries worldwide.
OOC identifies TCOM assessment tools in comprehensive review of assessment and outcomes management tools that would provide a universal solution in England.
TCOM England is established by OOC in partnership with the Praed Foundation. OOC leads development of English versions of the TCOM tools and first providers begin implementation.
Covid-19 pandemic prompts TCOM England to move all training and implementation to online,on-demand platforms, with great success.
Leading local authorities and two of England’s largest providers near completion of training and implementation.
“Human services, including health care, are often complex because of the number of different people involved in the process of care. In complex systems, participants always have different perspectives and often have competing responsibilities and objectives.
Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management is a framework for managing such a complex system. Within this framework there is a philosophy, an assessment strategy, and a set of tactics all designed to facilitate an effective and integrated approach to addressing the needs of people.”
— Dr John Lyons, founder of TCOM and the communimetric theory of assessment, Professor of Public Health at the University of Kentucky, Director of the Center for Innovations in Population Health, leader of TCOM implementations internationally.