Implementing TCOM England
Official Launch & Shared Learning Event
22nd June 2023 | 9.30am - 12.30pm
Southwark Council, Atrium. 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2TZ
Please RSVP at the bottom of this page
Together we’re implementing a universal, transformational needs assessment and outcome measurement strategy across children’s social care in Southwark.
Every practitioner and stakeholder will play a key part in this important journey to improve our understanding and assessment of individual needs and strengths, our decision-making as a care community, and most importantly, to improve outcomes for children, young people and families.
So join us at this very special, in-person launch event where international experts will be with us on the day to share their knowledge and experience and help kick-start this journey of positive change.
The event will give you a clear understanding of TCOM and the CANS assessment tool, how it will help you in your role, and the ways it will benefit children and young people.
Meet the speakers
John originally trained as a Clinical Psychologist in the early 1980s and has since progressed to being one of the most respected voices in assessment of need globally. John has published more than 200 peer reviewed publications and six books including Redressing the Emperor: improving our children’s public mental health system and Communimetrics, the approach to assessment that is revolutionising how we understand how best to care for vulnerable populations. John has created and supported the use of evidence-based assessments that are used around the world including the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS), Family Advocacy and Support Tool (FAST) and Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment (ANSA). He actively works at the interface between practice and policy in mental health, child welfare, education, and justice. John is now director of the Center for Innovation in Population Health and Professor of Health Management and Policy.
Lisa first started her career in children's social care as an outreach worker in the early 1990s, followed by three years working as a residential social worker in a local authority children’s home in England. Lisa moved into research in 2000 and over the years since has become one of the leading figures in research for children looked after in the UK and internationally. Lisa has carried out a range of research and evaluation projects, with a particular focus on the relationship between needs, costs and outcomes of services and support provided to children and families. Lisa has also carried out responsive studies for various government departments, including the Department for Education and Ministry of Justice. These responsive studies were carried out to address specific policy issues. In 2005 Lisa was seconded into the English Government Department for Children, Schools and Families to disseminate research findings and produce a practice guide and resource pack to assist children’s services department with the strategic development and planning of services to best meet the needs of vulnerable children.
Mark is the lead for TCOM England alongside his role as Deputy CEO of the Children’s Homes Association. He focuses on improving outcomes through evidence-based system change across the whole social care ecology. Mark previously worked in mental health services before his PhD, which was one of the largest studies in recent years to investigate outcomes for looked after children. Central to Mark’s work is developing data strategies to improve outcomes and evidence impact of services. He has extensive experience in supporting organisations across the country to produce and apply evidence-based solutions in practice, service development and commissioning. Experienced working at Corporate Parenting Board level within local authorities.