A collaborative, assessment-based system to improve decision-making, evidence and outcomes in children’s social care.

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Children and young people deserve better decision-making.

Many of the difficulties we face in children’s social care - from decision making at practice and placement level, to multi-agency working and commissioning amidst increasing demand and reduced financial resources - are made harder due to a fundamental problem:

In England, we lack a reliable, universal approach to needs assessment and outcome measurement.

What’s more, we lack extensive research and reliable data as evidence to guide service developments and improvements.

Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) is an assessment-based model to decision-making, planning and management in complex care systems. Powered by assessment tools and evidence-based strategies available to every authority and organisation, this collaborative model will help us improve young lives and provide better care at a cost society can afford.

Find out more about TCOM and the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment tool >

Get started today


Contact us to discuss implementation of the TCOM England model within your organisation. Our expert-led, not-for-profit approach means every local authority and care provider can benefit.